The Exchange Club of New Canaan was chartered in 1952 as a local chapter of the National Exchange Club which is one of the oldest service organizations in the country. Our members’ represent a wide range of professions, most of whom remain active in their careers while others have retired but remain active in the pursuit of the Club’s service projects and fundraising activities.
Members of the Exchange Club of New Canaan are drawn together by shared basic attitudes: our love for our families and our country; our respect for human dignity and one another; and our compassion for our fellow man. We strive to make our community a better place to live through selected service projects, learning more about our community from our semi-monthly dinner meetings (1st & 3rd Tuesdays) with guest speakers and the camaraderie in the spirit of service that forms the basis of Exchange.
Our Mission
We “exchange” our time and talent through programs of service to our 4 pillars: Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and our National Project The Prevention of Child Abuse.
Promoting pride in country, respect for the flag and appreciation of our freedoms…
Community Service
The history of Exchange’s community service
projects is quite impressive…
Youth Projects
America’s young people are its most precious resource…
Our national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse
While National Exchange has a variety of child abuse awareness programs…
Our Covenant of Service
Accepting the divine privilege of single and
collective responsibility as life’s…
The Exchange Club of New Canaan serves the community in many ways. We donate to local non-profit charities, support local organizations with their fund-raising activities, and participate in community events.
Our central focus is support for the prevention of child abuse. In particular, we provide financial and volunteer support to the Exchange Club Parenting Skills Center in Stamford, CT, and raise awareness in the community of the tragedy of child abuse and the urgent need to fight it. We generate the funds we donate by conducting fund-raising activities throughout the year.
Check out this recent issue of the semi-monthly Exchange Express newsletters for more details on Club activities and events.

National Exchange Club

The National Exchange Club is one of the oldest service organization in the country. More than 650 local clubs throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico provide individuals with opportunities to use their time and talents to benefit their local communities and the country as a whole. Exchange’s Core Values are family, community and country.
Through the Programs of Service: Americanism, Community Service and Youth Programs – members support activities that benefit youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers, to name a few.
The prevention of child abuse is Exchange’s National Project. Exchange was founded in 1911 in Detroit, Michigan by a group of business executives who wanted simply to exchange ideas. Those ideas grew and were shared, and have resulted in innumerable benefits to the nation. Currently, Exchange has over 20,000 members in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The organization’s National Headquarters, located in Toledo, Ohio, acts as a resource to local level clubs and their members.

65th Anniversary Book
As we celebrated the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Exchange Club of New Canaan in 2017, this book was created to record the history of our great organization.
Happy reading!