Who Benefits
Giving Back to the Community
Declan Ratner was the 2023 recipient of the Exchange Club of New Canaan’s scholarship.
Presented to him by Club President Jim Bakal.
Grants and Donations
The New Canaan Exchange Club Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization focused on raising funds from the public and granting annual donations to organizations that support the four key pillars of the Exchange Club.
The New Canaan Foundation generates funds by conducting fund-raising activities throughout the year. For the past 50 years the primary activity has been the sale of Christmas trees in December. This event is not only successful financially but “buying your tree from the Exchange Club” has become a family tradition for many New Canaan families. Other major fund raising events have included the Annual Golf Outing, wine tasting, restaurant hop, etc.
The fundraisers are the sole source of income for the Foundation. Applications for grants or donations are accepted in March and early April each year. The Board of Directors of the Foundation determines the amount of money that is available for gifting. A Grants and Donations Committee is formed and chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Club. The Committee conducts an in-depth review of the organizations applying for help and determines how the Foundation funds will be dispersed. Applicants are required to provide; overview and mission statement of the organization, description of the specific project for which funding is sought, current financial statements, and evidence of 501 (c) (3) status. Generally, the Foundation donations are directed to specific projects that support the four pillars of the Exchange organization vs general organization budget support.