The Board

Board of Directors 2024-2025

The Exchange Club of New Canaan represent a wide range of professions, from attorneys to consultants, educators to recruiters, bankers to Internet developers.

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors is inducted at our annual inaugural dinner each June. While the role of President is a one year term, our President also holds duties as the President-elect, and as the Immediate-past president.

Whether entrepreneurs, lawyers, clergy, multinational corporation executives, or other professionals, members of the Exchange Club of New Canaan are drawn together by shared basic attitudes: our love for our families and our country; our respect for human dignity and one another; and our compassion for our fellow man.


  • Rich Kurth President
  • John DohertyImmediate past president
  • Eric WiechmannPresident-elect



  • Director of Membership: Joel Pelzner
  • Director of Member Communications: John Fulkerson
  • Director of IT/Website Management: Jim Hennessy


  • Terms Ending June 30, 2025
    • Russ Barksdale
    • Jim Murray
    • Chip Steppacher
    • Nick Trahanas


  • Terms Ending June 30, 2026
    • George Benington
    • Jim Bakal
    • Fred Bird
    • David Shea