Promoting pride in country, respect for the flag and appreciation of our freedoms…
Community Service
The history of Exchange’s community service
projects is quite impressive…
Youth Projects
America’s young people are its most precious resource…
Our national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse
While National Exchange has a variety of child abuse awareness programs…
Our Covenant of Service
Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective responsibility as life’s noblest gift
Our Mission
We “exchange” our time and talent through programs of service to our 4 pillars: Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and our National Project The Prevention of Child Abuse.

The Exchange Club is a group of individuals who want to make our country and local communities a better place to live for everyone.
We “exchange” our time and talent through programs of service in Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and our national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Philanthropically, we contribute our own financial resources and organize
fundraising events to support local charitable causes.
We are involved in several social events such as our semi-monthly dinner meetings at the Woodway Country Club with a guest speaker from the community. It has also been our tradition to have a dinner with wives or significant others on the last dinner meeting in June to thank our departing board members for their service and to welcome new directors and officers as they begin their terms.
Our Christmas Dinner replaces one of the usual December dinner meetings and is a very enjoyable social evening with joy in the air.